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  5. Membership Pricing Terms Overview

Membership Pricing Terms Overview

Because the term options that you see will change depending on what you enter for ‘Billing type', we will address what you will see based on selecting either ‘Recurring' or ‘One-Time'.


Price (your-currency) – here you will be able to enter any amount that you would like the user to be billed with each billing. 

Billing Type – this of course, will be set to ‘Recurring'. 

Interval – the rate at which your user will be billed in order to keep their subscription active, from the date they register. Your options are: Weekly, Monthly, Every 3 Months, Every 6 Months, Yearly, or Custom. If ‘Custom' is selected, then two more options will become available to allow you to create a custom interval of any X number of weeks or months.

Trial Period – check this option to enable a trial period for this membership. Doing so will reveal the following options:

Trial Duration (Days) – enter the number of days you would like the trial to be. Number entered as divisible by 7, 30/31, or 365 will show up to the user as weeks, months, or years respectively (Note: cannot be more than 365 days). 

Trial Amount (your-currency) – here, enter any amount for your trial period. Can be set to 0.00 for a free trial. 

Allow Only One Trial – check this option if you would like users to only get access to this trial period once. So, if a user signs up once, and then signs up again later, their subscription will start with the first normal billing. 

Limit Payment Cycles – check this if you would like the user to only pay you a set number of billings before their subscription either expires their access, or gives them lifetime access. The options this reveals are:

Max # of Payments – enter any number greater than zero here for the number of billings in this subscription. 

Access After Last Cycle – use this drop down to select either ‘Expire Access', ‘Expire Access After' or ‘Lifetime Access' if you would like to expire your user's subscription after the max billings is reached or if you want to give user an extra number of days after the max billing is reached and then expire user's subscription or finally give them lifetime access respectively. 

If a trial period is used in conjunction with the max # of payments option, the trial period does not count as one of the payments. 

Video Tutorial: How to Create a Recurring Membership in MemberPress


Price (your-currency) – here you will be able to enter any amount that you would like the user to be billed for this subscription. 

Billing Type – this of course, will be set to ‘One-Time'. 

Access – from this drop down, select the type of access you would like users to receive based on their payment. Options you can select are:

Lifetime – setting this will mean that the user will never have to pay you again to maintain access to your site's protected content. 

Expire – use this to expire the user's one-time subscription after X amount of days, weeks, months, or years. You can also check the ‘Allow Renewals” option if you would like users to be able to renew before their subscription expires. If you don't check this option, users can still register for the membership a second time, but they'll have to wait until after their current one has expired.

Fixed Expire – use the date box that this option will reveal to set a fixed date when the user will lose access regardless of when they first registered. If the “Allow Renewals” checkbox is selected MemberPress will automatically update the dates on the transactions if a member decides to renew after the expire date, but it will NOT update the Membership pricing terms. You will need to manually update the terms after the initial expiration date.

Video Tutorial: How to Create a One-Time Membership in MemberPress

Video Tutorial: How to Create a Lifetime Membership in MemberPress

In this video, you'll see how to create a one-time, lifetime type of membership. You'll also see some benefits and use cases.

Case Examples

If you cannot figure out how to best configure your terms, please reference 
this page for a couple of common case examples. 

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