Resetting MemberPress Data

MemberPress does not currently have a 'reset' button that will erase all data found in MemberPress. However, if you need to reset the Subscriptions, Transactions, Members, and settings data you can run the following queries *:

Warning: This will irreversibly delete all subscriptions, memberships, groups, rules, reminders, coupons, and transaction data as well as all your MemberPress settings.

NOTE: Your database might not use the "wp_" prefix. Thus, if your database uses a different prefix, before running the queries below, please replace all instances of "wp_" in the queries to match your prefix.

TRUNCATE TABLE wp_mepr_subscriptions;

TRUNCATE TABLE wp_mepr_transactions;

TRUNCATE TABLE wp_mepr_events;

TRUNCATE TABLE wp_mepr_members;

TRUNCATE TABLE wp_mepr_jobs;

TRUNCATE TABLE wp_mepr_rule_access_conditions;

TRUNCATE TABLE wp_mepr_tax_rates;

TRUNCATE TABLE wp_mepr_tax_rate_locations;

NOTE: Running these scripts will not remove users from your site (Dashboard > Users > All Users). Though your users' WordPress accounts will remain in-tact, they will no longer be seen as active members in MemberPress.

Then, you can run the following (they MUST be run in this order): 

DELETE FROM wp_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (SELECT ID FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type IN ('memberpresscoupon','memberpressgroup','memberpressproduct','mp-reminder', 'memberpressrule'));

DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type IN ('memberpresscoupon','memberpressgroup','memberpressproduct','mp-reminder', 'memberpressrule');

DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE '%mepr%';

Also, you should run the following if you have the Corporate Accounts Add-on installed:

TRUNCATE TABLE wp_mepr_corporate_accounts;

If you have MemberPress Courses, you should run the following query:

TRUNCATE TABLE wp_mpcs_answers;

TRUNCATE TABLE wp_mpcs_attempts;

TRUNCATE TABLE wp_mpcs_questions;

TRUNCATE TABLE wp_mpcs_sections;

TRUNCATE TABLE wp_mpcs_user_progress;

and then run this one:

DELETE FROM wp_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (SELECT ID FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type IN ('mpcs-course','mpcs-lesson','mpcs-quiz'));

DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type IN ('mpcs-course','mpcs-lesson','mpcs-quiz');

For PDF Invoices Add-on, you should run the following query:

TRUNCATE TABLE wp_mpdf_invoice_numbers;

TRUNCATE TABLE wp_mpdf_credit_notes;

For Downloads Add-on, you should run the following query:

TRUNCATE TABLE wp_mpdl_file_downloads;

TRUNCATE TABLE wp_mpdl_file_stats;

NOTE: Please note that we will NOT run these queries on your site. You would need to do this by yourself. If you are not sure how to run these queries, please contact your host for help. 

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