How to Connect the PayPal Payment Gateway on Your MemberPress Site

In this video you will learn how to connect your PayPal Payment Gateway on your WordPress site

If you want to accept PayPal payments on your site you will need to connect your PayPal payment gateway with your MemberPress site so let's see what needs to be done for achieving that.

During the upgrade process you will go through the PayPal onboarding process. They have a help document that goes over what that process looks like and what options are available in what countries. 

The first thing you should do is to navigate to the MemberPress → Settings → Payments tab from your dashboard and click on the Add Payment method option below which will add an additional section where you should choose the PayPal (Recommended) option.

As you can see there are several options for connecting your PayPal account, so if your site is Live and you want to collect real payments you will need to choose the Connect Live option, otherwise, if you choose the Connect Sandbox option you will be able to use it for testing which will also take you out from the Live mode and you won't be able to accept real payments.

For using a Live mode, once you click on the appropriate button a new window will pop up where you should add an email for your existing PayPal account.

Be sure to enter the email account of the PayPal that you are using on your site and not a new or a different one and prevent any possible confusion for you that might come up from different payments on different accounts.

Depending on how your PayPal account is set up it could happen that you see this screen first where you will want to use existing business account and click continue.

During this process if you see a screen like this for Fraud protection you are not required to enable anything. You can go to your PayPal settings and enable Fraud protection later when you want. 

You can just click I'll do this later and move on to the process.

Once you add your PayPal email address and a password you will get a notification window asking to connect your PayPal account with your site and verifying that, after which a successful connection message will come up.

Note: It could happen that you notice the window below telling you that your connection is being processed, and if this message stays there for more than 10 minutes you should delete the gateway and try connecting again.

For confirming that your PayPal account is connected with your site after you click on the button for taking you back to your site's Payments page you will first see a window like the following, where you should connect PayPal payment method as your final step

and as a result of a successful connection, a screen like is shown will appear

Don't forget to press the Update options from the MemberPress → Settings → Payments page to make sure that everything you have done is saved.

Note: It could happen that you notice the window below telling you that your connection is being processed, and if this message stays there for more than 5 minutes you should disconnect and retry. If your second attempt does not work contact support

That would be it and you could check how this new upgrade is looking now on the front of your site.

If you open some of your created Membership registration pages and choose PayPal as your payment option you will be redirected to PayPal for entering your email for finishing the purchase, where if you click next on the price you will see some more info about what you are buying and also tells you more about the time interval when this charge will occur if, for example, a subscription is recurring. As a final step, you could choose how you want to pay and verify that.

After submitting the payment you will be redirected to a Thank you page as a confirmation that everything finishes correctly.

Now, if you go back to your MemberPress Payments page on your site you'll also notice a new button for 'Enable smart payments buttons' so after you check it and save these changes if you check the registration page and choose the PayPal option again, you will see these buttons there where you could choose from various options that you could pay.

Clicking each of the available buttons will bring up that same window and the process for each are all similar.

PayPal e-commerce integration s currently available in the following countries: 

Czech Republic
United Kingdom
United States

 A note that for Connecting to Sandbox Account you will need to repeat the steps from above and choose the option for Connect Sandbox from the Memberpress Payments page. 

When it comes to creating a PayPal Payments Pro account you will need to add SSN so you should check

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